Freitag, 13. November 2015

Anschlag in Paris im Live-Ticker

+++ Anschlag in Paris im Live-Ticker +++

60 Tote: Explosionen, Schießereien und Geiselnahme mit 100 Menschen in Paris

Frankreich, Terror

2015-11-13 14:17 GMT+01:00 <>:

Các ACE ở Đức lưu ý! Ai muốn đi Paris cuối tuần cần phải xin visa nhập cảnh của Pháp thêm vào Reisepaß của mình.
Chánh phủ Pháp đã tạm thời ngưng áp dụng Hiệp ước Schengen qui định tự do đi lại trong khối EU. Quyết định nầy có hiệu lực trong vòng một tháng và bắt đầu có hiệu lực từ hôm nay Thứ Sáu 13-11-2015.
French police officers control cardrivers at the borderstation in Strasbourg, France, on Sunday, March 22, 2009. Till the OTAN - summit German and French border controls will take place.

Vous Ne Pouvez Pas Entrer: France Suspends Schengen Visa

14:24 13.11.2015Get short URL

France suspends the Schengen agreement and imposes border controls.

The move by the French government is temporary and the country will suspend its participation in the Schengen agreement for a month starting November 13.
Schengen border controls
During this period, foreign citizens, who have a Schengen visa, won't be able to enter France without a French visa. This means if people have planned holidays in France, they should now apply for a French national visa in addition to a Schengen visa.
The precaution was taken to decrease the likelihood of a terrorist threat or public disorder prior to the UN Conference on Climate Change in Paris, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.
"It's by no means a suspension of the Schengen," Cazeneuve stated in an attempt to excuse the actions of his country.
The Schengen zone has currently 26 members, including most EU members and four non-EU members. The idea behind the agreement is that the citizens of Schengen countries can access any country without the need to go through border controls and visitors can travel across the Schengen zone with one common visa that applies throughout the entire Schengen zone.

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